i have never seen so much snow in this part of texas. the flakes were huge and consistently coming down from afternoon into the evening. it was beautiful! as we were driving past pasture land blanketed in white i told john "i can't believe i live in a place that looks like this right now".
we had lots of good fun while the snow lasted. lots of snow balls. and wet clothes. because we don't have 'snow gear', we had to change three times! but the laundry is worth it, friends!
it brought to mind this scripture, found in lamentations 3:
21 Yet this I call to mind
and therefore I have hope:
22 Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
oh how beautiful! Makes the things in your yard look so different and we are in Texas!!? The band of snow ended just at the border of Spring, Tx so we missed out. ;-(
We played as the big flakes fell, but nothing stuck around here. Our snowmen would have to be really brown!
beautiful beautiful kiddos. look at those smiles. the snow photos are lovely too! ;)
hey mandi, you ok? you've been offline awhile!
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