yesterday i was talking with my sister in law, who is pregnant with her first, about child birth and life with kids. all of our talking got me thinking back to our early days with just one. moonpie was the easiest baby. slept great, nursed well, hardly cried. we were buddies! every where i went, she did too. i remember digging in the garden and handing her worms to hold as a 9 month old. our days were easy and happy. after buddy was born her little world was turned upside down. and rightly so, no kid should go through life thinking only of themselves! i remember the first time i shouted at moonpie. buddy was only 4 days old and she was walking through the house carrying him by his neck. i freaked out and she dropped him. well, he was fine, but she wasn't. after that she wanted NOTHING to do with him. typical to most siblings, we have had a bumpy 2 years with moonpie and buddy. and typical to most mommas, it has grieved my heart. i want nothing else than to see my daughter loving and tending to her brother. especially since he has always loved his sissy. so we work on this daily. constant reminders to be kind, to re-word things, to give hugs, etc. and by night i'm praying kindness over the child. about 2 weeks ago we started to see a shift in moonpie's attitude towards her brother. we are seeing kindness! she has obviously had moments of love towards buddy, but we are now seeing her be a caretaker towards him. playing with him, protecting him on the playground from big kids, singing with him, and just showing genuine concern for him. i can't tell you what this has done for my heart! such joy! now i'm no fool. i have siblings (including a younger brother). i know that relationships have seasons. but i pray that we will now see more seasons of kindness and less sassiness.
when i think of the strongest character trait i would like to see in my children, it is kindness. to me that is showing compassion, respect, strength, courage, consideration, and a healthy self-image in its truest form.
here is a short clip of moonpie singing (with, of course, a brief cameo by buddy dancing a jig).
what a lovely picture of moonpie and her daddy. you're a good photographer! she looks so much like him in this picture, it's not even funny...
It was super sweet watching her with buddy yesterday :) Thanks for the day of fun, you made my bday super special. Give them both hugs from me!!! Oh yea, I can't wait to try out the burlap sacks hahaha.
Wow, your kids are beautiful. Such sweet pics. I have read your comments on Amanda's site and just saw your link. I'm so excited to see and read about your wonderful family and the blessings of our awesome Lord upon you all!! He is so good! It's fun to get a glimpse of what you are doing/growing. I think moonpie has your great voice:)
Hugs to all,
Blessed is right! I love your family! Moonpie and Buddy have such great role models to follow in their parents. Keep up the great work!
Lovely post! And you know what this means right? It won't be long and they'll be ganging up on you! ;) I get that already. Aden will try to lecture me if I'm trying to "discipline" Ethan!
You guys are welcome to come here if you want. Either way is fine with me. Although, Jenny & the girls went out of town early, so it won't be the actual Bible study until next week. So, we can meet for fun, or we don't have to at all. If we do, let me know what I can bring/cook, and where, your casa or mine.
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