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Thursday, October 6, 2011

clean bill of health

Thank you so much for the insight and recommendations about goats yesterday!  I have primarily been researching Nigerian Dwarves having no idea that there are mini breeds of the La Mancha and Nubians.  Oh the Nubians, with those floppy ears!  So cute!

I had mentioned last month about my recent departure from taking the herb Vitex.  I went last week to get my hormone levels checked and everything came back in the normal range!  I am relieved.  I didn't want to have to go back to square one and figure out something else to take.  Most importantly, it's wonderful to just feel good.


Cheryl said...

Great news! So glad to hear you are feeling good!! :)

Shalini said...

I just started taking the vitex a few weeks ago and I already feel a little better--I'm not freezing cold all the time and I have a little more energy. Thank you!

amanda {the habit of being} said...

vitex has really helped me in the past but yes, it is not a forever thing. so glad you are feeling better!

Nicola said...

That is wonderful news. I understand health issues. I have had some very odd ones, ongoing. Can't wait to hear more about the goats.