we continued driving parallel to the blue ridge parkway, making our way up to a tiny mountain town near west jefferson, nc. this is what i had really been waiting for. we reserved a little cabin in the woods on the grounds of an organic farm! this place was perfect! it was situated up the mountain a bit from the farm. i am remiss to say that i have no pictures of our cabin, but you can visit it here. we loved it here. the cabin was a two story timber frame, with a full kitchen, wood burning stove and hot tub on the deck! and the view of the mountains was incredible. we hiked, played down by the river, swung from an old vine stuck in a tree, made soup and smores, read and played cards.
buddy most enjoyed making leaf boats. that sweet boy would have stood there all day sailing leaves down the river. i loved that this simple act brought him so much pleasure. moonpie had a notebook and pencil in hand and spent time drawing out elaborate river wildlife food chains. this time, down on the river bank, was so sweet...
we even ventured into virginia. the drive was breath taking, but we really just wanted to be snuggled up in our cabin. so after a brief visit to galaxa, va, we headed back 'home'.
there were christmas tree farms all over this part of the country. i think the kids grew tired of hearing me say "look out your window- a christmas tree farm!". i was amazed at those trees lining the mountains. i really wanted to bring one home, but john, sensible man that he is, vetoed that idea.

upon our return home our host, farmer sally, came up to visit us. she took the kids and john down to tour the farm and pick some arugula. moonpie talked about the greenhouses all day. i thought they were just going down to move the cars around, or i would have been all over that tour. i stayed up in the cabin to make an apple crisp for an after supper treat.
upon our return home our host, farmer sally, came up to visit us. she took the kids and john down to tour the farm and pick some arugula. moonpie talked about the greenhouses all day. i thought they were just going down to move the cars around, or i would have been all over that tour. i stayed up in the cabin to make an apple crisp for an after supper treat.
just thinking about that night warms me up inside- the four of us, by the fire light, eating our homemade chicken soup and apple crisp. that little moment in time is another that is stored in my heart. my sweet babies and even sweeter husband, enjoying the quiet and the 'just being' with one another.
as much as we enjoyed visiting the asheville area, i must confess that i could have stayed in this cabin the entire week. moonpie has already begun her plans of the cabin we are going to build one day.
one day...
as much as we enjoyed visiting the asheville area, i must confess that i could have stayed in this cabin the entire week. moonpie has already begun her plans of the cabin we are going to build one day.
one day...
sweet, sweet, sweet. i am so glad y'all had such a great time. the pictures are just beautiful!
Visions of pork....John cracks me up. Sonds like you guys had a fantastic vacation!
oh, beautiful!
i love your new header, too!
Okay, this sounds SO SHALLOW but I have to post it. Mandi, my hair idol, I LOVE your hair! Love the two twisty buns in back. I bow down. ;-) In an age of severe bobbed hair, you are an inspiration to the traditional and beautiful. Keeping long hair is a chore and at times, sticky. You all look so content..you just need to live on that river...for awhile.
Magical! I know I got to hear the awesome details in person, but the photos are priceless. I love the one of you and the kiddos by the river with the "starburst" effect the sun is making in the top corner.
I can't get over the beautiful leaves.
And if John is ever in the mood for some local pork, you know who to call:) Its gotta be a step above the other pork selections! Ha!
The sign frightened me off a bit but is looks and sounds like an incredible time with your family! The last photo is gorgeous! Christmas tree farms all around sounds lovely, so nice to hear you enjoyed your time away : )
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